Apply for a Position
We have opportunities for employment from time-to-time. Some of our openings are non-paying internships, some are paying internships, and others offer standard pay. The positions listed below are seasonally open, so please submit your name if you are interested now or for future consideration.
> Youth Camp Counselor
If you would like to work as a counselor at Hilltop Youth Camp, contact us and let us know of your interest. Also, you may click the Counselor Application link here, print the form, fill it out, and submit it to, with COUNSELOR APPLICATION in the subject line.
> Nurse
If you would like to work as a nurse at Hilltop Youth Camp, contact us and let us know of your interest. When you e-mail us, please type NURSE APPLICATION in the subject line.
> Maintenance Technician
If you would like to work as a maintenance technician at Hilltop Youth Camp, contact us and let us know of your interest. When you e-mail us, please type MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN APPLICATION in the subject line.
> Security Guard
If you would like to work as a security guard at Hilltop Youth Camp, contact us and let us know of your interest. When you e-mail us, please type SECURITY GUARD APPLICATION in the subject line.
> Food & Beverage Assistant
If you would like to work as a food & beverage assistant at Hilltop Youth Camp, contact us and let us know of your interest. When you e-mail us, please type FOOD & BEVERAGE ASSISTANT APPLICATION in the subject line.
> Lifeguard
If you would like to work as a certified lifeguard at Hilltop Youth Camp, contact us and let us know of your interest. When you e-mail us, please type LIFEGUARD APPLICATION in the subject line.
Child Safety Training
In order for workers to stay on campus, putting them in the proximity of youth at Hilltop Youth Camp, they must complete the child safety training. Click this link to load the page for child safety training. The link will provide a list of the vendors approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Choose a vendor, and take the course.
When you have successfully completed your training, send evidence of your successful completion of the course (certificate, letter, etc.) to Please mark your e-mail to the attention of the Camp Administrator.
Food Handler Certificate
If you will be handling food during meal service, snack times, or otherwise entering the food prep or cleanup areas of the kitchen, you must be certified as a safe food handler. Click this link to find a list of State-approved vendors who can certify you for this work.
Once you have successfully completed the training, send a copy of your certificate to the Camp Administrator at